Sunday, April 22, 2012


Tropical Oasis
2.5 out of 5 stars(2)

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Review & Description

Gardenia jasminoides or Common Gardenia or Cape Jasmine is an evergreen shrub, which grows to a height of 2 to 6 feet. Spread is about the same. The foliage of well-fed shrubs is glossy, dark-green, 2 to 4 inches long and half as wide. Depending on the cultivar, the flowers can be either single or double and up to 4 inches in diameter. They are waxy, white and very fragrant. Gardenias require considerable maintenance. Fall or spring is the best time for planting. Plant in light to moderate shade, preferably with minimum competition from tree roots. Gardenias resent root disturbance. They also grow well in pots. Gardenias prefer acid, moist, well-drained soils. A good time to feed gardenias is mid-March, using an acid plant food, fish emulsion or blood meal. Feed the shrubs again in late June to encourage extra flowers on everbloomers or faster growth of young shrubs. Do not fertilize gardenias in the fall. Doing so will stimulate tender growth, which may be killed if the temperature in winter drops below 15 degrees. Gardenias are cold-sensitive and during severe winters can be killed to the ground in the Upstate. Often they regenerate in spring. Prune shrubs after they have finished flowering to remove straggly branches and faded flowers. Water gardenias regularly. Drip-irrigating the shrubs will keep water off the foliage and blossoms and prevents leaf spots. Regular watering is necessary after blooming also to keep the plants in good condition and able to withstand winter weather. The gardenia flowers are highly fragrant. They open over a long period of time, from May through July and make great cut flowers. Hardy zone 7-10

Product Details

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #538 in Lawn & Patio
  • Brand: Tropical Oasis


  • extemely fragrant
  • gorgeous flowers
  • evergreen shrub
  • grows up to 6' high
  • hardy zone 7-10

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